New Relic Serverless for AWS Lambda: Summary Page

Please note that it can take up to 5 minutes after initially generating traffic on your application before any data can be seen in New Relic.

New Relic One’s Summary page for AWS Lambda presents a quick view into your function’s most important performance data.

Let’s give it a look by navigating to the New Relic One website and hovering on Explorer near the top left hand side of the screen. This should reveal a search bar; in the search bar, type in producer. This should present you with one of the Lambda functions we instrumented earlier in this workshop. Click on the function name to access its Summary page:

New Relic One

On the Summary page, you will notice a collection of charts Lambda function. A description of each of these charts is shown below:

Summary Page

  1. Duration: The total time a function ran.
  2. Invocations: The total amount of times a function has been run. This includes direct REST API calls through the AWS API Gateway as well as through chained event requests.
  3. Error rate: The percentage of invocations that have resulted in errors.
  4. Cold starts: The number of times that a function was invoked that resulted in a cold start. (If a container hosting a function is not created before the function is invoked—a cold start—the function may seem excessively slow).
  5. Max Memory Used: The maximum amount of memory used by your Lambda function at a given time.
  6. Metadata: A list of metadata describing the function.